

Paul Krassner, writing in the New York Press, does a great job of excerpting examples of propaganda the current administration has used with amazing success.

He writes: "Covering Up Reality. Referring to the president’s surprise visit on Thanksgiving day to U.S. troops in Iraq, Mike Littwin reports in the Rocky Mountain News: 'Before the press was herded into the giant hangar in advance of George W. Bush’s pep rally/photo op with the Fort Carson troops, we were given the rules. No talking to the troops before the rally. No talking to the troops during the rally. No talking to the troops after the rally… But even here, or maybe especially here, a soldier or two might have, in conversation, questioned the need for the war in Iraq. This is not exactly a welcome notion in the White House. The Bush campaign has put up an ad in Iowa saying that certain of his opponents are ‘attacking the president for attacking the terrorists,’ as if opposing the war in Iraq is the same as opposing the war on terror.'"


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