

In typical simpleton fashion, "Resident" Bush again exhibited either a complete lack of understanding or an outright disdain for reality in whining about the stalled confirmation of John Bolton, his "kiss-up, kick-down" nominee to represent the U.S. at the United Nations.

The New York Times reports his comments yesterday:

In his speech on Thursday, to the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America, Mr. Bush brought up the subject quickly, saying, "I welcome you to the nation's capital, where sometimes politics gets in the way of doing the people's business."

"Take John Bolton, the good man I nominated to represent our country at the United Nations," Mr. Bush said. "John's distinguished career in service to our nation demonstrates that he is the right man at the right time for this important assignment. I urge the Senate to put politics aside and confirm John Bolton to the United Nations."

The misleader-in-chief makes a disingenuous argument that assumes he has some sort of mandate. He doesn't.

The Times story highlights the fact that even Colin Powell has reservations about the seemingly unstable Bolton, while offering middling praise.

Politics? Aw, shucks. Whutz that?


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